An activity book or workbook contains extra practice activities and is often used for homework. It usually accompanies a coursebook.
A coursebook or textbook is used regularly by learners in the class. It generally contains grammar, vocabulary and skills work and follows a syllabus. A coursebook unit is a chapter of a coursebook.
A teacher’s book accompanies the coursebook, and contains teaching ideas, audio scripts and answers to coursebook activities.
Learning resources
The materials or tools which help learners learn, e.g. books, computers, CDs etc. See aids and reference materials.
A bilingual dictionary uses translation from one language into another language for definitions andexamples.
A monolingual dictionary uses only the target language for headwords, definitions, examples etc. A thesaurus is a type of dictionary in which words with similar meanings are grouped together.
Supplementary material noun, supplement verb
The books and other materials which teachers can use in addition to a coursebook, e.g. pronunciation practice materials.