Remember we invited you to read aloud and record yourself in a regular basis (ideally everyday).
This week you will focus on pronouncing the “S + consonant” at the beginning of the words. In Spanish we do not have a sound of an “s” followed by a consonant at the beginning of the word. We always have a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) preceding the “s”. For this reason we tend to add an unnecessary E at the beginning of the word. Example:
Speaking (se pronuncia “spiking” y NO “espiking”)
Let’s see some other words and their pronunciation. Click on the icon to open the website with the correct pronunciation. You will find something like this:
click on the buttons to listen to the correct pronunciation (UK for British English and US for American English)
Listen and practice
Spanish (not espanish)
State (not esteit)
Scaffold (not escafold)
Slight (not eslait)
This week be aware about this pronunciation tip “S+consonant at the beginning”. Avoid using unnecessary sounds.
Read aloud with a foreign accent. Enjoy it!